Wednesday, September 20, 2006

If You Could Give Three People a Truth Pill About 9-11

Who would it be?

Stolen from a great post by GreyL at Democratic Underground.

My answers:

1. Dick Cheney. Closing off the conspiracy theory.
2. Alex Jones. Get the looniest on the record.
3. Steven Jones. Everybody knows he's playing a game.


At 20 September, 2006 09:25, Blogger shawn said...

Hey, they also believe in truth serum. How adorable.

At 20 September, 2006 09:36, Blogger Chad said...

1. Bush
2. Killtown
3. Bermas (which would be a waste, 'cause I honestly believe he buys into all this stuff, but it'd be fun to watch him blather on about conspiracies for 4 or 5 hours straight.)

At 20 September, 2006 10:52, Blogger Simon Lazarus said...

Keep an eye on the fruitpies and whackjobs at DUmmies Underground. They are always good for a laugh or two about leftist paranoia.

At 20 September, 2006 10:55, Blogger Chad said...

Great... So Richard Gere is an accomplice in bringing down the towers too?

Hollywood... Why hast thou forsaken me?

At 20 September, 2006 12:38, Blogger Triterope said...

If I had a magic truth pill, I wouldn't waste it on somebody like Alex Jones. Here's who I would do:

1. Osama bin Laden
2. Mohammed Atta
3. George Tenet

That should get us some answers about how 9/11 was planned, why it was planned, and how our government failed to stop it.

At 20 September, 2006 13:05, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

I would give the serum to:
1. Donald Rumsfeld
2. Dick Cheney
3. KSM


At 20 September, 2006 15:26, Blogger Vader said...

Steven Jones seriously torques me, particularly since he's doing his best to make a laughingstock of my alma mater. So I'm curious what game it is you think he is playing.

My own take is that he really is that nuts.

At 20 September, 2006 16:02, Blogger Alex said...

My own take is that he really is that nuts.

Absolutely. Him, Fetzer, and Alex Jones are undeniably nuts. It's only when it comes to Avery and Bermas that I'm not sure. They're too inarticulate too judge properly - either they're nuts, or they know they're full of shit but are too mesmerized by the fame and money.


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